Two Campus Housing Master Plans, One Planning Process

​This article by B&D’s Ryan Jensen and Joe Winters compares master planning processes at two schools–the University of Alabama and the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga–and dives into the unique outcomes and recommendations derived from each plan. For SCUP Subscribers, read the full article here.

Navigating Public-Private Partnerships

Public-private partnerships (“P3”) have become an effective option for institutions to pursue their strategic objectives while managing a project’s speed to market, navigating complex political environments, leveraging financial capacity and expertise, and transferring risk and return to the appropriate parties. As the range of P3 development structures continues to expand and provide exciting opportunities, the …

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Proliferating Partnerships

Inside Higher Ed ​reported on P3-related conversations at the 2017 Society for College and University Planning (“SCUP”) conference. This article looks at the significant growth of and interest in P3s, as well as what P3s can do–and what they can’t. It quotes B&D’s Jeff Turner, among others. Read the full article.

Gateway For More Housing

Patrick Martin, vice president for real estate, public-private partnerships and compliance at Louisiana State University (“LSU”) talked to Student Housing Business about his experience guiding LSU through an ambitious P3. B&D is quoted extensively, and the entire article offers important reflection on the P3 experience. Read the full article.  

P3s in Education: Shared Risk, Mutual Reward

In APPA’s Facilities Manager, Mark Crawford wrote “Public Private Partnerships in Education: Shared Risk, Mutual Reward.” The article seeks to answer the question, “Are PPPs as good as they sound?” It looks at the stories of five education administrators, gives overviews of four P3 structures, and speaks with developers. (Jan./Feb. 2015)

The Higher Ed P3 Resource Center: Information and Thought Leadership on This Dynamic Market

Brailsford & Dunlavey (“B&D”) launched the Higher Ed P3 Resource Center in October 2017 as an educational space for the whole industry—college and university leaders, developers, and other stakeholders. We’ve been advising in the higher ed P3 space for over two decades now—and the higher ed space for 25 years—and as we’ve watched the world of …

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